Other words for forward movement
Other words for forward movement

other words for forward movement

The question then is how can interrogative constructions in Tiv be derived using the apparatus presented above? The formed syntactic objects are then transferred to the conceptual intentional (CI) for semantic interpretation, and to the Articulatory-Perceptual (AP) for phonetic interpretation in the forms of overt copies, in accordance with the linearization requirement (LCA) of Kayne (1994). Movement and/or remnant movement - to form a syntactic object (SO).

other words for forward movement

These lexical items are brought into the numeration where they are being selected and merged - externally when the merge is of items that are new in the derivation, while internal merge is of items that are already existent in the derivation, but scrambled in the forms of head movement, subject movement, cyclic The above schema illustrates the modus operandi of the minimalist program: For every language, there is a lexicon which is made up of lexical items. Head Subject Cyclic Remnant Movement Movement Movement Movement The Minimalist program is schematized thus: In fact, Sessarego (2012) views the minimalist program as a model of grammar that upholds the fact that the component of the human mind devoted to language, language faculty, is optimal and is defined by a number of smallest syntactic operations, and it is common to all human beings. Irrespective of its effectiveness, the minimalist program is not seen as a theory of grammar (Ouhala 1999).

other words for forward movement

The Minimalist Program is an economic and elegant approach to grammar that accounts for computations using natural approaches to constructions put forward by Chomsky (1993, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008). This paper uses the minimalist program - a more mechanical approach to grammatical computations - as a toolbox for explaining the computational nuances that exist in question formation in languages in the Tiv language. Question formation has been a subject of interest in the emerging theories of generative grammar ab initio. (Journal title at the time of publication: SamaraAltLinguo E-Journal.) "Question-word movement in Tiv." Language. Tiv minimalist program Q-word extraction resumptionĪngitso, Michael Terhemen.


The paper submits that feature is an inherent feature of prepositions that come to play from the numeration in the Tiv language: the feature of a preposition licenses preposition stranding, while the feature of a preposition cannot license preposition stranding, and might at least require a resumptive pronoun in the extraction site. It shows that Chomsky's multiple specifier hypothesis cannot serve as an escape hatch for all constructions. Do prepositions have inherent stranding features that seem to license or block complete Q-word extraction from the clausal adjunct position? The paper submits that the canonical agreement marker "a" is sensitive Q-word extraction, but more sensitive to the tense of the construction from which a Q-word is extracted. It examines the possibility of Q-word extraction from the subject position affecting the agreement marker in the Tiv language. This paper investigates question formation in the Tiv language. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).ĭepartment of Linguistics and African Languages, University of Ibadan, Nigeria E-mail: 15 August 2014 © Angitso, Michael Terhemen 2014 Research article It shows that Chomsky’s multiple specifier hypothesis cannot serve as an escape hatch for all constructions. Do prepositions have inherent stranding features that seem to license or block complete Q-word extraction from the clausal adjunct position? The paper submits that the canonical agreement marker “a” is sensitive Q-word extraction, but more sensitive to the tense of the construction from which a Q-word is extracted. It examines the possibility of Qword extraction from the subject position affecting the agreement marker in the Tiv language.

Other words for forward movement